Kitiganwacheeng Health Services Inc.
Garden Hill Anisininew Nation, Manitoba
About Kitiganwancheeng Health Services Inc.
Background – Policy Revisions: 2004
Garden Hill First Nation entered into a Health Services transfer Agreement effective April 1st, 2000 which terminates on March 31st, 2005. The purpose of the agreement is to enable the First Nation to:
1. Design health programs, establish health services, and allocate funds according to First Nation Health priorities;
2. Ensure public health and safety is maintained by providing mandatory health programs;
3. Strengthen and enhance the accountability of the First Nation to First Nation members.
The purpose of the Policies and Procedures Health Manual is to provide direction from which health leadership and staff can draw to receive clear definition of their responsibilities.
The original manual was developed in a manner consistent with the Garden Hill First Nation community Health Plan of January 1997.
Policies and procedures were revised in 2002, and Home and Community Care policies which were developed in 2003. Additional policies are also added in 2004 to reflect accreditation standards.
The intent in 2004 is to have same policies for all health personnel, and to have policies included that reflect accreditation processes. Each policy contained in this “2004 Policy and Procedure Manual” is followed by a procedure.
Mission Statement
The Kitiganwacheeng Health Services Incorporation provides care to community members who struggle with physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual and/ or social needs. The organization supports the ability of community members to remain independent in their home community of Garden Hill.
The organization is committed to continuous quality improvement processes to provide high standards of care. Services are holistic, flexible, and client-centered in approach.
Personnel cooperate with other health personnel to remove barriers, promote wellness, and to support early intervention and prevention activities. There is high commitment to activities that improve population health. In addition to direct services, clients, family, and community members are provided with health education information.
The Kitiganwacheeng Health Services Incorporation is committed to:
Exercising professional and effective leadership in the administration of a community based health care system.
Establishing a local Health Advisory Board by the people of Garden Hill.
Stimulating, encouraging, and leading community members and groups.
Improving the overall health of the people of Garden Hill First Nation by focusing on major health issues and ensuring that health programs and activities are responsive to individual, family and community needs.
Providing a comprehensive continuum of care inclusive of treatment, prevention, education, community services and aftercare.
Recruiting and retaining a caring and competent health team.
Vision and Philosophy
“The people of Garden Hill First Nation believe the community can and should be healthy. All individuals are capable of making decisions when informed and provided with accurate and factual information. All individuals have a right to make their own health decisions and have a responsibility to do this. We believe that through the community working together, taking ownership of its health, and striving to improve the quality of all of our lives, we will become a healthy community with enhanced self- esteem and our way of life preserved.”
This philosophy guides the following service commitments:
Services are caring, holistic, client-centered, respectful, ethical, confidential, effective, and efficient.
Health programs reflect the needs of Garden Hill First Nation residents.
Services reflect population health principles.
Services are continuously improving and changing through continuous quality improvement processes. Personnel are responsible for participating in continuous learning activities.
Individuals are encouraged to take responsibility for healthy living.
Clients participate in all service plans.
Clients have a right to free choice and self-determination.
Traditional healing approaches are respected.
All clients and their families have strengths which staff are responsible for encouraging and mobilizing.