Kitiganwacheeng Health Services Inc.
Garden Hill Anisininew Nation, Manitoba
The Brighter Futures / Building Health Communities Program
The Brighter Futures / Building Health Communities Program strives to assist in identifying the improvement of the overall health care for the Garden Hill First Nation members by focusing, planning and spiritual approach on health issues/problems. To address the health issues and concerns to meet the community needs in ensuring the awareness of health. To enhance the skills, resources and to provide the aftercare in supporting the clients well being. The program will focus on the prevention and initiate in the maintenance level of services and provide the after care of the clients. The program will continue to network with other proper personnel in delivering counselling skills, case management and interviewing of clients. Throughout intervention planning and development will identify the issues and concerns that may impact on health problems.

Mental Health Wellness Programs

Craig Munroe, Program Manager. Susan Harper, Intake Worker
craigmunroe@mymts.net susanharper@mymts.net
Cell: (204)
P.O Box 584
Island Lake, Manitoba
R0B 0T0
(204) 4546-2404