Kitiganwacheeng Health Services Inc.
Garden Hill Anisininew Nation, Manitoba
Parenting Skills Program
The goal is the encourage, support and maintain the well being of children, individuals and families. Determining acceptable parenting practices in the community. Teaching new parents about child rearing. Development of culturally appropriate parenting tools and education about the effects of alcohol, tobacco and drugs before/after pregnancy. Development of parenting support services in the community increase the training and awareness of community based service providers and strengthening the First Nation families.
Research and consulting on parenting, one on one counselling with clients, families and to address behavior issues. Prevention and intervention issues on parenting, family development, utilizing an elder to promote cultural and traditional values towards parenting. Home assessments, school visits, immunization. Networking with other resources throughout the community.
TV presentations and notices
Workshops and training session on parenting
Counselling session
Sewing classes for prenatals
parenting classes
Roberta Fiddler, Parenting Skills Worker
(204) 456-2229
P.O Box 584
Island Lake, Manitoba
R0B 0T0